Separation & Divorce


DIVA Financial supports women through the initial stages of divorce to navigate the financial, legal and insurance systems required to achieve financial independence.

How can DIVA Financial help manage disputes and advocate on our clients’ behalf ?

DIVA Financial is founded by Melissa Cuturich, a professional Disputes Handler and Business Consultant.

We understand the unique challenges women face during separation.

Our strategic solutions work seamlessly with your legal representative to uncover coercive manipulation, prevent non-disclosure, fraud, and delay tactics, and ensure equitable outcomes. With comprehensive investigation and reporting, we level the playing field.

Diva’s Divorce L.I.F.E. Blueprint

The Diva team has collectively spent over 60 years negotiating financial, industry, and insurance systems to ensure their clients are properly represented to achieve better outcomes for their future, not a lawyer but a valuable coach that enables people to understand their human rights.

Diva has developed the Divorce L.I.F.E. (Love. Identity, Finances, Emotions) Blueprint, an approach to disputes management that balances your emotional needs with a practical and tenacious commitment to resolving your divorce as smoothly as possible.

Results Achieved For Clients

  • Securing resolutions out of court which stops partners dragging out settlements over years
  • Unraveling complex business arrangements to reveal mismanagement and expose the true financial position
  • Showing lawyers, mediators, accountants and financial institutions where our clients’ rights have not been thoroughly considered
  • Stopping unjust evictions
  • Educating clients about their rights and responsibilities and achieve solutions that defend those rights.
  • Ensuring clients are aware of their obligations and responsibilities.
  • Organisations cannot monitor hundreds of staff, so we encourage women to be vigilant and prepared

Getting Help and Support Through Divorce
And The Family Court

If you or someone you know is experiencing If you or someone you know is experiencing financial abuse, free and confidential advice is available as part of Diva’s social enterprise service with DIVA Financial.

If you’re in a crisis or struggling to make ends meet, find out how to get urgent help with money.

Got a Question?

Anything to do with finance is generally overwhelming and can be confusing. Life happens and we can find ourselves in unfamiliar territory.

Or, we can find ourselves facing adversity or hardship and can’t see a way through. Nothing surprises us and there isn’t much we haven’t dealt with, so send your inquiry or make time to talk to us.

It begins with a conversation similar to catching up with an old friend; one step at a time. Every story is unique but there is always a solution.

Our fees are negotiated with you and depend on your circumstances, which means that your situation may involve a recourse action that entitles you to compensative resolve relating to Advocacy work. All divisions have set rates and packages to suit your needs.

We have a team of lawyers we work with, we are your support.

We definitely do! As women we provide experienced based knowledge on how to understand ‘split’ financial procedures. Preparing you for the unknowns you face.

Yes, confidential and practical guidance is provided in this situation. We will support you to clear up the matter and regain your identity. We are starting by removing the fear of talking to authorities to protect your assets.

Yes, we do! We educate you about the best home loans, mortgages and the process of securing them. We also give credible refinancing advice to pay out your current home loan and take out a new loan through either your existing lender or through a different lender.


This book was one of the most inspirational, moving, awe-inspiring autobiographies I have ever read.  Melissa’s story is a story that needs to be heard and this story is REAL.  As I was reading this page turning book, as I sat on the beach, not able to stop reading, not able to move as I needed to know what happened next. Whilst reading through the chapters, all I wanted to do was reach into those pages and rip Melissa out of them with my bare hands and hold her so tight.  How can one woman have gone through so much? How could someone come out of that alive?  Not only alive, Melissa came out of it has the strongest, most talented, real, honest, extremely successful in all facets of her life, the most beautiful, kind, loving advocate for all women.  An amazing mother, an amazing daughter and an amazing friend.  This book is a book that needs to be read in schools, this story HAS to be read by all. I am honored to call Melissa a friend, a sister and a mentor.

I could go on and on forever, was so hard to keep it short!! YOU have changed my life so think of all the other women’s lives you will change when they read this, if it wasn’t for this book I would still be in an unhappy abusive relationship…. actually add that to my review!

Because its the truth! I love you and I am so grateful and so blessed to have you in my life… My life is now going to be mine xxoxo